So once, erm quite a way back I think I remember what it was like to travel without a child, those days when you only needed to worry about yourself, when you could look at yourself in the mirror, apply lippy and read a magazine from cover to cover without a care.
We know from our trip with Bethany to NZ and back the 4 times we have done it that its not something that can just happen. Weeks of planning mean all the focus has now moved. Our first trip to NZ was torture, a little girl lost in a world of the unknown meant a long trip for us. However our second trip was much easier, and Bethany was a complete star.
Sarah and Dan are now heading off on that long journey to the UK, where they are going to have a fantastic time visiting all those they love. We (and especially me!) are going to miss them, Sarah isn't due back till the end of August... whatever am I going to do with myself?!
Today we met at the Southern Cross for a farewell brunch. We all love it here, hence we just had to have another visit. We had a lovely time, Charlotte and Bethany had their faces painted, they had a wonderful time playing outside in the wonderland of the garden, and then they were entertained at the lovely children's area where they both made gorgeous pictures.

We made Charlotte a beautiful card which we hope she will enjoy, in it we put some British money which she can spend on something and it bring back home so she can remember her trip.
Its going to be an amazing time, only those of you who are expats will know the good and bad stress that comes from such a simple visit.
Sarah and Dan, we hope you have a fantastic holiday, enjoy every moment and we cant wait to see and hear all the stories from the amazing journey when you get back.