Living in the UK, there'd be nothing I'd like more for breakfast than some toast with lashings of Marmite on. This fascination of the stuff dates back to my childhood memories of drinking Oxo. In fact it probably goes further than that, back as far as Hartlepool United home games with my Dad, drinking Bovril and eating meat pies. What kind of meat I never dare ask, it was just meat, and just tasty.
Anyway, after arriving in NZ last year I was faced with a dilemma. In the supermarket on the shelf sat not only Marmite, but Vegemite also. Naturally, I went with the name I knew and was in for a bit of a surprise! It was way stronger than British Marmite, and I just couldn't seem to get used to it. So I did the next best thing, and went for Vegemite.

Now I'm no expert on spreads, but Vegemite is probably the closest you'll get to British Marmite, and I'm kind of at that addicted phase. Even Marrisa, who hated the stuff with a passion, can't resist Vegemite on toast!
You can however get the British stuff here if you want it, you just need a second mortgage and use your firstborn as a deposit. Shops like Cool Britannia in Wellington stock Walkers crisps, Typhoo tea bags and copious quantities of other good stuff (Twiglets included).