Friday, July 20, 2007

Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow

Saying goodbye to people is hard, especially when you know you'll either not see them for a while, or possibly never again. The same principal should not however apply to rodents.

Last night was d-day for our mouse in the house. Having come face to face with the tiny beast, I couldn't bare to kill it, so Marrisa was given the task of creating another humane trap for it. Bearing in mind this is trap #2, we had almost given up hope.

The plot was simple. Mousey goes up the ramp, through the tube for the food, and topples into the box. This structure was not what could be described as a fantastic feat of engineering, but it was good, and we had confidence in it.


No pics of the mouse in the box are available, as we feared a repeat of the last trap attempt!
You will have to take my word that it was actually in there!

Not sure where the dried apricots box came from, certainly not our kind of food! Anyway, after putting a few careful air holes in the top and listening to it scrat around, I decided it was time to take it out. We thought that if we just went over the road to the nature reserve, it would find its way back, so I took it for a ride.

The Dawes household has had enough tickets recently so decided to make sure Mousey had his seat belt on. Off we went for our trip to Mousey Utopia. I was in the car thinking, if I was a mouse in a box, where would I like to go? So I decided - Lyall Bay. The mouse can then live out the rest of its life basking in the sun, loafing round watching the planes land, and surfing with the rest of cool kids.

Once we arrived, out came the box and off came the tape. I said my goodbyes and opened the box.

Even with my superior camera skills, not even I was prepared for the speed it came out of the box and off into the bushes. The chances of me capturing it on the digital camera were zero. But just to give you an indication of how fast it went, I've improvised slightly...

So now he's by the beach, enjoying the sunsets and catching some awesome waves.