Monday, March 26, 2007

We Have Visitors!!

Ok, so here we go!

1st to brave the long haul flight was my mam. The route was Teesside to Heathrow, Heathrow to Bangkok, Bangkok to Sydney, Sydney to Wellington, Wellington to Owhiro Bay. The last part wasn't a flight, obviously.

Here's a few pics of the events, and as we are still playing catch up on what's been going on - it's pics and very brief description! If you look closely, you'll even see Marrisa!!

The main activities during mams stay were: wine drinking, BBQ's, trips to the beach / Zoo / Cafes / City and even the out-of-hours emergency hospital.

We had a great time, took in plenty of sights and Mam got to spend 3 weeks being badgered by Bethany!

So the time we had was fantastic, Mam went home with about 1000 photos and a few bottles of expensive wine. We had about 10 days to recoup before the next guests were scheduled to arrive.


Sunday, March 25, 2007

Blog MK II

So here we go with another attempt to keep a blog. With sun to soak up, beer and wine to drink, BBQ's to eat and scenic views to see, it's hard to keep blogs going - But we'll try again!

We've crossed the 6 month mark now, and although it's hard and we miss our families and friends, we think that this could be the place for us to settle.

So here's a quick recap on the last 6 month, just in case you are not upto date:

Here's the house we're currently renting.

So here are a few (random) images from September to October time. I spent most days in the city looking for work, Marrisa took on the hunt to find us the house that we would spend the following 6 months in. As you can see from the weather in the pictures, September and October were quite windy.

Going into November the weather started to improve, but the wind continued to rage - meaning a few sleepless nights while we began to get used to it.

We bought ourselves a Subaru Legacy, which turned out to be one of the shall we say 'less than effective' purchases. After owning it for a few weeks, it went off to the dealer for a full engine rebuild - luckily we had taken out a policy that covered all parts so there was only an excess, but it was inconvenience regardless.

Bethany's birthday and Christmas came and went, no doubt you'll have the pics circulating somewhere. Then it was time to start to plan for our visitors, which were already preparing for the long haul flights. That story I will publish shortly!
