So apparently its winter. Hell yeah!! Jeez man, who turned on the winter??
This morning started off quite nice, sunshine, and the most amazing rainbow which arched the whole of the house. Then as the sea grew darker and the line in the distance disappeared, the rain hit. Wellington weather is described as 'four seasons in one day' that is exactly right!
Bethany and Charlotte were able to catch the fish with rods from a bridge and then place into a pretend hangi which they covered (with cushions!) ready to cook.
Unfortunately the rain was still pouring and the wind was fierce when we left, and today we hit some bad luck. On our trip back home smoke started to pour from the bonnet of the car, yeah great, this was all I needed, and so typical on a bad weather day! I was unable to drive safely (and was worried it would burst into flames) and so had to stop. I managed to arrange a tow truck and off the car went to a garage to be 'checked out'.
Sarah so kindly came and rescued Bethany and took her back to our house whilst I stood out in the pouring rain feeling sorry for myself and waited for Jenny to come pick me up. I thank them both so much as it was today that I realised how alone I could have been in my time of trouble.
Sarah and the girls stayed with us for the rest of the afternoon and we had a great time playing games and watching the waves grow bigger in the bay.
See, now that's what I get for being cocky!