So naturally we were appreciative of the bank holiday for ANZAC Day! We started our day with a drive up to where our journey first began; Raumati Sands. We decided to spend the day there. First off we took a trip to a PYO farm, this place was amazing. We really only went for the PYO Chilies but we never could have imagined the sight there!
There were fields and fields of chilies, every type ever known, we were in chili heaven!
However we were kinda running behind her at the same time as we were just as excited (anyone who knows us will know just how much we like our chili's).
Hmmm somehow we managed to completely fill the bucket!
Hmmm somehow we managed to completely fill the bucket!
The landscape was gorgeous and the weather was great, this is now pencilled in for a trip at least once a month!
With full bucket in hand we headed off to see what the damage was, how surprised were we to find out that for our bucket full was $ is the picture of what we bought at the supermarket the previous day for the same amount of money and what we managed to get at the PYO...

After all that fun we grabbed some dinner from KFC and headed to the beach, where we had a lovely afternoon of eating, playing, building sand castles and even a bit of sploshing in the sea!

Whilst in Raumati we called in to see some good friends, Paul and Vicky. They are so very kind and Bethany appreciates the fact that Vicky gets all the toys out but all Bethany wants to do is play with the plastic bag!
After all that fun we grabbed some dinner from KFC and headed to the beach, where we had a lovely afternoon of eating, playing, building sand castles and even a bit of sploshing in the sea!
Whilst in Raumati we called in to see some good friends, Paul and Vicky. They are so very kind and Bethany appreciates the fact that Vicky gets all the toys out but all Bethany wants to do is play with the plastic bag!