So October soon came round, for the first few days of October we were still enjoying our time in Raumati, especially the pool and the spa! Despite the rain we had the best time as we had the place to ourselves!
We were also lucky enough to move next door to some of the most amazing neighbours. Mark and Jenny had two little children called Edward who is 5 and Victoria who is 2. They are also from England but have been in NZ for nearly 11 years. They helped us out so much with moving in, we appreciate everything they did so much, they were so kind.
It wasn't long before we were enjoying BBQ's with them and we got together every weekend. The kids loved playing together. So far, an amazing house, a breath-taking area, Michael happy in a job and we had made some good friends...perfect.
Over the next few weeks we became 'tourists' and went everywhere. Everywhere you go in Wellington has an amazing view with it, places where you could stay for hours and just sit in awe. Here are a few pics of some touristy things we did...

Not only are there the billion attractions that Wellington has to offer but there are the beaches and amazing walks right outside our door!

We settled into our new home with ease, events came and went quickly, just like our Birthdays! Michael's was on the 16th and mine on the 23rd. We celebrated Michael's by taking a journey out to a place called Martinborough, this is probably the best area in NZ - this is wine making country! On the way there we stopped and took a wander around a forest park where Lord of The Rings had been filmed, it was lovely. Then it was on to the vineyards to fit in some wine tasting!
October was certainly a busy month, we loved every minute of it and although we missed our friends and family so much, we were loving our new life already.