I just couldn't resist it, it was like there was something inbuilt, something that I needed to fulfil, something that never worked out last time...what am I talking about??
My veggie 'patch' of course!!
You might remember this post where I spent like a whole week preparing an area in our gorgeous garden to grow lettuce, chili and onions. They all grew fine and the produce was wonderful which we enjoyed immensely, but then of course you might also remember my failure when trying to grow my first tomatoes, some you win and some you lose.
However the beautiful patch I created in our first NZ home didn't seem to last long and on arrival of our new most loved member of the family was in fact 'desecrated'. Denver it seems fits in quite well to the Dawes household, having a bit of a taste for spice. Lets just say, 1 half hour = 1 whole chili patch eaten (and without repercussions!).
So that was it, a gentle stroll around my local garden centre the other day (where I find myself at my most peaceful) and was actually just after a decent coffee, ended up in purchasing the next harvest.
So far quite successfully the new chili, tomatoes, capsicum, cucumber and blueberries are all planted. Tomorrow I have the task of setting up a home for the strawberries and sweet peas.
It can only be in the blood, my Grandfather won prizes for his stunning vegetables and flowers. Watching him year after year and exploring his amazing arduous garden can only have inspired. I have also taken the most grandeur advice from my lovely mother in law Lynn, she also grows her own veggies in the most beautifully successful manner (and making us jealous by sending photos of the family all sat round enjoying a Sunday roast made with her veggies!!).
Planters are the way forth this year at least, with Denver in our midst it may be a while before real planting takes place. My overall hope it to have a plot like my dear friend Julie, I cannot imagine anything more perfect.
But for now, lets hope for growing and less doggy digging!!