Ah, the memories.
Adorned with the best home made costume and wearing mammy's make-up, standing on tiptoes as I peeked out of the window onto the night so very dark. Candles flickering in the windows of every house in the street. Hearing laughter and singing from the street outside, and the full bright moon shimmering its path into the distance.
Scurrying out past the carved turnip I made with mammy earlier (don't know why we never had pumpkins!), into the damp cold air, dashing from house to house whilst holding onto my carved turnip with dear life. Excited, hurriedly impatient for the next person to answer their door so you could shout 'trick or treat'. Waiting to genuinely surprise them and hoping for praise on how you looked, never once giving a thought to what treat would come, just that it was fun.
Decorated houses with webs, spiders and silly snow spray. Bobbing for apples. Eating homemade toffee. Trying on each others best homemade creations. Parents proudly hovering around soaking up a drink or two to relax after all the fun.
Happily falling asleep under the blankets whilst your skin still tingled from the lingering cold air. Dreaming of happy witches and laughing ghosts, and still being able to smell the pumpkin on your fingers. These are my memories of Halloween that I cherish so very much, magical memories.
Tonight after attending The Big Halloween event at Capital E in Wellington, Bethany came at me with many questions. She has heard me speak of what Halloween is, my recollections of it and tonight she was so very excited by the thought of actually going to Halloween. All day she has been asking: 'how long now till we go to Halloween?'.
Now don't get me wrong, Capital E had again done their utmost to bring theatre to life, and they truly succeeded at trying their best, but I personally felt it was the wrong type of theatre. This year it was called The Twisted Circus, we got to see The Bearded Lady, Leo The Lion-faced Boy, The Mechanical Doll & the Strong Man. All excellent performers, but Bethany wasn't fooled or impressed, and I heard other children also ask their parents why that person was doing what they were.
Going into the Hall of Oddities we were greeted by aliens and mummies...?
We arrived just in time to catch a floor show of juggling, jokes and magic tricks. One lady came and banged nails up her nose and made a finale of pushing a screwdriver down her nose into her throat, it was all very entertaining but claps and laughs were limited. Some people I think were not only shocked but I think confusion as to where the Halloween theme had gone was showing on everyones faces.
I can totally understand Capital E wanting to keep things fresh and new each year but I honestly think this type of event could have been at any time. Halloween events should be just that - focused on Halloween.
Thoroughly confused as to what I have told her and what she saw tonight Bethany has been quiet, which is unusual for her. She is growing, learning and challenging things, and knowing when some things are just not what she expected she can now talk about it.
Normally I would be one to just shrug it off and let is go as just a fun night out, but when it comes to trying to justify my memories and Bethany trying to justify what she expected, then we will need to talk about this further.
Oh heck, Christmas is next. Bethany knows all about that one so hopefully this wont need any clarification!