Friday, October 31, 2008
Hollow een?
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8:26 pm
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
I'm 29...Lets Party!!
In the short space of two years that I have been in New Zealand I have met some of the most amazing people. Each one brings something different to my life, each one as special as the next. I could not be happier.
Saturday night I celebrated my 29th birthday! One more year till the big 3 0, however I am ready. It seems I will be taunted and I will be mocked, and maybe so. But on the life journey I have had, each year becomes a new adventure, a new challenge and a new future. So you mockers be mocked (you know who you are!), I will be 30 and I will be proud...convinced?!
To celebrate my special night I was joined as I said by the most amazing women. Each one has brought something amazing to my life, each one different, yet so very connected.
Introductions please!
Joining me on my wonderful night was:
Sarah, the person who I have in fact known the longest. We met at a play area one month after our arrival in NZ, and connected instantly, from there the most intense relationship developed. Exchanging details we have never looked back, Sarah and her gorgeous family have featured the most on our blog, being there for us, offering advice - they will always stay dear in our hearts!!
Jo and Susan, my long time friends who I met just two months after my arrival. They were part of a mothers group that got together every Tuesday. I was introduced by my neighbour at the time and we hit it off straight away. Along with Joan (who sadly couldn't make it) we have have become firm best friends. A group that now cannot be broken and has grown closer and stronger over time. These ladies are my backbone, I cannot imagine life without them.
Annemieke I met through Bethany's swimming lessons. We used to sit together at the side of the pool with other mothers, week in and week out, so through this we formed a friendship. Annemieke and her family are from the Netherlands, an amazing family who had a dream and followed it, and they now have their own little kiwi - and are very proud to enter the NZ books as the first ever baby in New Zealand to be named Pemma!
I then met Denyse, we had ran into each other numerous times at Brooklyn Kindergarten, then knew it was time to make a further connection when we started bumping into each other at parties held at Sarah's house! Denyse is a Kiwi and Tony her husband a Londoner, they have two amazing girls. Two girls more amazing than any of us can ever imagine. I am so in awe of all this family has been through and survived, truly awesome characters.
Next Dawn came into my life. We 'met' via blog cyberspace, each reading each others blogs, finally realising we lived in the same town. Meeting up couldn't have been more amazing. Dawn and Darren are American expats and have the most wonderful stories to tell. Dawn is stunning, a truly sensitive soul who I feel I can connect with so honestly. We were all sat in envy of the fact Dawn looks so youthful...the children!! Lucky woman. Darren works for Weta, for those that know what that is you can join me in my first reactions of: wow!!
Catherine has just started her own photography business. A stunningly gorgeous lady who is simply the most amazing photographer I have ever met. A long time in the mill (due to being a perfectionist) she has now launched Catherine Cattanach Photography. My faith in Catherine is 110%, the photos she did for Bethany's birthday last year were stunning. Like Denyse we met through Brooklyn Kindy, Bethany and her son Alexander took a shine to each other. Bethany has never forgotten him and he is still on my list as her future husband one day!
Alina I met when we moved house in January this year. Along with her husband Justin she has two totally gorgeous children. A true Kiwi family who know what life is all about. Alina has been my inspiration in so many ways. She really is a truly amazing woman, one of those who strive for the hardest thing and makes it happen, one of those ladies who makes my mouth drop open in sheer admiration.
Last but definitely not least we come to Stef. Through the wonders of cyberspace Stef found our blog. We had the most in depth email conversations which lead to Stef, her husband Rich and their little girl making the move to NZ just 4 months ago. Rich came and stayed with us earlier in the year, our friendship has developed in ways I could never imagine. Stef is simply gorgeous, a beautifully honest girl with nothing but life for the world. They have placed themselves into our hearts, we are proud to know them and proud of what they have achieved so far.
Every single one of them has impacted my life in ways they will never know. Watching them all chat together at the restaurant warmed my heart, to know that all the inspirational women who had touched my life were now meeting each other, it was the most wonderful feeling.
We had an amazing night, the drinks flowed, the meal was delicious and much dancing was had. Now of course all that is left is to say thank you.
Thank you ladies for all your love, let's cherish what we have forever, I love you all....oh and here you are, enjoy your drunk photos!!!
PS. If you find the video 'choppy' just click on it again and it will open in You Tube!
Posted by
10:41 pm
Monday, October 27, 2008
With Marrisa out on the town on Saturday night, I took Bethany to Lanes, a 10 pin bowling place in Wellington. Bethany has never been actual bowling before, as I think Wii Bowling just doesn't count.
Posted by
7:53 pm
Friday, October 24, 2008
Birthday Stuff!
So as you know we have both had a birthday! Very convenient really as we get to have two weeks of full on celebrations, and with mine being a week later than Michael's I also get to put on the pressure of him getting me a bigger present than I got, materialistic? Never.
Posted by
5:54 pm
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Birthday Time!
Unless that it's about garden gnomes,
So all I have to say this way,
Is Happy Birthday Marrisa today...
Posted by
10:00 am
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Boys Will Be Boys
Taking full advantage of the sun this weekend, I headed over to a friend Chris's 12 acre place in Mangaroa Valley. Darryl, a friend from work also came over, as he had the kids to entertain with his wife off visiting relatives.
We pooled a couple of boxes of shotgun ammunition, some 22 rifle rounds and between myself, Chris and Darryl we went out into the field to shoot some stuff.After blasting through a few boxes of ammo, obliterating targets missing several others, we gave the kids a go. Needless to say the adults were pretty much put to shame by an 11 year old!
Once the ammo was all gone, the dirt bikes came out and we spent the next half hour riding round the fields and generally making as much noise as possible.
You know, I could get used to this lifestyle...
Posted by
8:45 pm
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Trying Again
I just couldn't resist it, it was like there was something inbuilt, something that I needed to fulfil, something that never worked out last time...what am I talking about??
My veggie 'patch' of course!!
You might remember this post where I spent like a whole week preparing an area in our gorgeous garden to grow lettuce, chili and onions. They all grew fine and the produce was wonderful which we enjoyed immensely, but then of course you might also remember my failure when trying to grow my first tomatoes, some you win and some you lose.
However the beautiful patch I created in our first NZ home didn't seem to last long and on arrival of our new most loved member of the family was in fact 'desecrated'. Denver it seems fits in quite well to the Dawes household, having a bit of a taste for spice. Lets just say, 1 half hour = 1 whole chili patch eaten (and without repercussions!).
So that was it, a gentle stroll around my local garden centre the other day (where I find myself at my most peaceful) and was actually just after a decent coffee, ended up in purchasing the next harvest.
So far quite successfully the new chili, tomatoes, capsicum, cucumber and blueberries are all planted. Tomorrow I have the task of setting up a home for the strawberries and sweet peas.
It can only be in the blood, my Grandfather won prizes for his stunning vegetables and flowers. Watching him year after year and exploring his amazing arduous garden can only have inspired. I have also taken the most grandeur advice from my lovely mother in law Lynn, she also grows her own veggies in the most beautifully successful manner (and making us jealous by sending photos of the family all sat round enjoying a Sunday roast made with her veggies!!).
Planters are the way forth this year at least, with Denver in our midst it may be a while before real planting takes place. My overall hope it to have a plot like my dear friend Julie, I cannot imagine anything more perfect.
But for now, lets hope for growing and less doggy digging!!
Posted by
7:12 pm
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Happy Birthday Michael
Our love will keep growing forever
Time may go quickly and pass us by
But my love for you will never die
Never have I loved you like I do
I will always cherish and need you
Eternal soul mates till time has done
Our hearts will always beat as one
What a fantastically wonderful beautiful feeling
Be proud of what you have achieved
You were always right, and you believed
Thank you for being all I am
Thank you for being an amazing man
Thank you for loving me the way you do
But most of all thank you for being you
Posted by
11:04 am
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Saturday night I went to see Abba!!!
Well OK, it was actually a tribute band, but it was kind of like Abba. Susan and Jo were also up for going, of course I had no doubts about Susan, being that she is a die hard Abba fan!
First off though let me say that I in no way actually like Abba! I know, it's crazy that I went, but it was more about being out and having a good night with my dear friends, always so very important. Oh and course the wine!
We started the night off at Arizona, I thought it best to book a table as I knew many people would just show up to eat before the Abba show and I was right, people were being turned away as we arrived. Sadly though this didn't set up the night well at all, service was painfully slow and the food wasn't at its best.
Due to the slow service we had to slurp our wine whilst we stood in the queue to pay (which was ridiculously long). At the same time other people were looking around impatiently at the tables waiting for service. With one mad dash across the street we arrived just in time for the show.
We were really chuffed to get front row seats, it all helps when we are all under 5'2"!
OK so the show was average, we had to go get wine a few times to help with the ease of dancing, but we did have a good old laugh and a decent boogie. It wasn't at all what I was expecting though, I expected more pizazz, more theatre, more something...I don't know, it was just, OK.
The singing was excellent but they could have played in a local pub and you wouldn't have known the difference. The sound wasn't great and people next to us complained they couldn't hear the words but that could have been more to do with being right at the front than anything else. I'm not convinced it was worth the $75 a ticket price tag.
We did have a hilarious time though, you know us, no matter the situation, if wine is involved its always going to be good!!
However...I must say of all the places I would never have thought an Abba concert would be where I would have my first fight!! Ha ha, either these women do not get out much or they really LOVED Abba.
People filled the isles dancing and every now and again people would push Susan to get closer to the front of the stage, final straw came when two girls not once, not twice but three times barged their way in front of us!! I mean RIGHT in front of us. Waving and flapping around and standing on our toes. I mean come on!
Bouncers moved them on but the last time was it, with some words from us and a bit of pushing, shouting and swearing from them they were for the last time removed. Jeezzz I have seen some things but never ever have I seen women like this, going so bloody crackers over an Abba tribute band!!!
With all the excitement over, we headed to Chicago Sports Cafe which is right next door to the arena and had some more drinks and danced again to some more Abba. Some of the cast came in for a dance and drinks too and Susan and I had our photos taken with the guy who played Benny!!A strangely fantastically wonderful night, we had such a good time despite all the odd bits. Bit scared though to head to a concert here where there are actual celebrities, I bet that would be one wild night. Can't wait!!
Posted by
11:39 am
Monday, October 13, 2008
Girls Night Out
So as you know from the last post Michael had to go off to Auckland to stay over night at short notice. I can't say I am ever pleased, I mean I hate being home alone, I end up sleeping with the light on, every noise outside makes me panic. Plus the most annoying fact is that he may not see it like this but really Michael gets to swan off with only him to think about, do some sightseeing on the way, get free food and drink AND have a peaceful night sleep, it's just not on!!
So with that in mind I decided Bethany and I needed a break too, we had been talking about proper mammy and Bethany time for ages, doing girly stuff and just being silly together. So that's what we did, I booked a hotel in Wellington and off we went, dropping an eager and excited Denver at the kennels on the way!!
We had an amazing time, it lived up to what we wanted to do (and shhh don't tell Daddy but we hoped he might have to stay another night longer!!). Bethany packed her fairy dress, her favourite teddy and doll, she put in her jewelry (as she said 'you never know') and we took board games. Along with some food, clothes, bottle of wine and many random other things I could barely carry the bag!
We checked in at the Museum Hotel in the heart of Wellington City. The room was gorgeous, very clean, modern and it had the most stunning bath tub - they called it a 'luxuriously deep tub of heaven'...I like that!
After unpacking everything and Bethany getting changed several times we headed out. We walked along the harbour, we had ice-creams, played chase, went to Frank Kitts play area and the best by far was Bethany having another turn on the BigAir Bungy that is situated on the green of Frank Kitts Park.
After a fun filled evening we headed back, I cracked open the wine for me and some popcorn for Bethany and we sat watching Bethany's favourite DVDs whilst we waited for our room service food. Just divine. Topping the night off with more wine (for mammy) a lemonade for Bethany (a treat for her!) we had a gorgeous bath together and then snuggled up for a cuddly sleep, finally dozing off around 10pm.
OK I will now be honest. Nothing was cuddly or snuggly!! It was damn right annoying, feet in my back, covers being pulled off, waking up to find something laid on was Bethany! It went on hour after hour of me opening my eyes to roll Bethany back onto her side, listen to her snoring and telling me random things in her sleep, and if that wasn't bad enough the god damn night light was enough to drive me mad!!!
At 6.20am Bethany was awake and ready to go. She jumped up and flung open the curtains. I staggered around hopelessly tired and really not pleased (mornings are not my strong point) but I couldn't do anything but smile when my gorgeous daughter came to me as I slumped over the bathroom sink in pure exhaustion and said 'Mammy, you look lovely this morning, thank you for keeping me safe last night'.
Onwards we went to our complimentary breakfast where we enjoyed the most lovely spread of continental and cooked food whilst all the while gazing out to sea (the view from the restaurant was lovely).
I can honestly say that I have never been on Oriental Parade at 8am before and there wasn't a person in sight, we even had our first stop of the day, Waitangi Park all to ourselves for a while!! With a wander along the boat sheds, down Oriental Parade, onto the empty beach for sandcastle building and then back to have one more round of fun time on the play area. Lastly just for good measure we entered Te Papa, I was done in!
Luckily we had a late checkout of 1pm, so with that in mind we headed back, had lunch and soaked up some more relaxing in the bath for the 3rd time and last time.
We did have an amazing time. Bethany and I are already close and I adore being with her. We laughed, we cried with laughter and then we laughed some more, it couldn't have been any more perfect, I think we beat Michael and had a better time away! I think the photos say it all.
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Girls Night Out |
Hmmm, wonder when the next Auckland trip will be...
Posted by
7:12 pm
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Being Away
The first time I had to head up to Auckland for work involving an overnight stay was last year. Since then I've had a few day trips where I knew how long a job would take and could easily make it back the same day. Friday last week wasn't going to be one of those predictable days.
On Thursday afternoon about 4.30pm I identified a few issues with one of our other offices, I knew instantly that it would need someone up there to investigate on site. The potential nature of the problem was such that an actual fix couldn't be done during the day as all the systems I maintain are in use. It was a case of: turn up on the morning and do what it takes to get the job done. With that in mind, it was easier to book a hotel and a return flight for the following day. The last thing I wanted to do was get finished early and spend the next 4 hours at the airport waiting for a seat on a flight (on a Friday) to Wellington.
Now you'd think that if I can wave goodbye to all my family and friends in the UK and move 12,000+ miles away for the rest of my life, I'd be able to fly a few hundred miles north for 1 night without my wife and daughter. Well no, it wasn't easy. The bottom line is, the job has to be done, so I had to be a brave boy and get on with it.
I arrived at the airport in good time, checked in at the automated kiosk and after breakfast went through security. Sat at the gate waiting for the boarding call I noticed that boarding time had slipped from 20 minutes away to about half an hour after we were supposed to leave. Shortly after that we were ushered from one gate to another, then back to the original gate about 20 minutes later. About an hour after the scheduled time, we left.
As we came in to land over the bay, the local roads were blocked with cars parked or parking up on all grass verges, laybys and everyone was looking up. At this point I'm beginning to wonder if we're missing our landing gear and everyone is waiting to see us skid down the runway. Nothing so dramatic, it was the new Qantas Airbus A380 coming for its first landing at Auckland shortly behind us.
After heading out to grab the taxi, we took a few detours to get around the backlog of traffic caused by plane-spotters (almost as nerdy as train spotters). I made it to the office about an hour late, met up with an electrician and we began diagnosing the problems.
At around lunch time I got a call from Marrisa. I'm thinking that I'm going to be told that they miss me so much and want to me to come home. Yeah right! They have in fact taken Denver to the kennels, booked a suite in a Wellington city hotel and are having a girls night out! That was actually better for me, as I realised then that they weren't sat around waiting for me to come home, and I could concentrate on the task in hand.
After a couple of hours we found a potential cause of the problems and scheduled a systems outage. 5.30pm came along and we started to pull cables, switch stuff off and the risk of getting electrocuted brought back memories of being up step ladders with pliers and pulling the wrong cable about 15 years ago!
After a couple of hours we had stuff as we thought it should be and I headed off to the hotel. I stayed at the same place last time I was up there alone and it was OK, pretty basic but all I needed was a bed, some food and a couple of beers.
I sat eating dinner alone, watching TV alone and went to sleep alone. That was all easier knowing the girls were actually having fun and not sat around wondering what I was up to.
The following morning I headed down to breakfast and overdosed on a cooked feast.
After that it was a cab back to the airport for a coffee and the return flight home. Fortunately Air New Zealand were running to schedule and I made it back just in time. When I say just in time, I mean just in time to get a call out from a vendor about some more faults, and to be picked up by 2 relaxed and chilled out girls!
Posted by
5:24 pm
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Beyond The Blog
What a treat Bethany, Denver and I had yesterday! We finally got to meet Julie, aka Domestic Executive (you can view her blog, and the post of our meet here!).
After many months of bumping into each other in the blogging world we felt it was time to actually physically get together. One thing I don't do is meet random Internet strangers, but I had been reading Julies blog long enough to know she was somewhere close to normal, and of course I was right!
Julie and her husband Martin are from the UK too. They moved to NZ in 2006 just like us, set up a new life and have never looked back. They then made the most amazingly scary move of building their own home in Kaitoke (which is about 15 minutes away from us). I can honestly say it certainly is jaw dropping stuff, their house is just magnificent! The views, the location, the privacy...oh it's pure heaven without a doubt.
With Julie and Martin are Fortnum and Mason, their little boy Bassets who have just turned 1 year old. Upon arrival at the stunning location (whilst trying to keep my mouth from hanging open in awe!) we were welcomed by two waddly cuddly wuddly gorgeous doggies!! Bethany of course just could not wait, we had looked at photos on Julie's blog of the boys and she was asking from getting out of bed that morning when we were going to see the Baffets!! A shriek of joy as we headed down the driveway and she spotted one of them proved how excited she was!
After introductions Denver, the boy with no class, came bowling into the scene. He quickly made friends with Fortnum and Mason who were not at all pleased with his forward ways! But they did have one thing on their side, their weight! They weigh 40kg's each (Denver is a slight 23kg compared to them!)!!!
After a lovely cup of tea and some delicious muffins we decided to take the boys for a walk. Not short of places to walk in the beautiful Kaitoke we went on what was called the 'usual' of a beautiful forest track. It was such a lovely walk, we even had chance to let the boys off their leads for a run around which was magical, Denver absolutely loved it. Poor Bethany did get bowled over a few times, but with a few tears and one big girl sigh she was back to laughing and playing happily. After our momentous walk we headed back. Bethany fed the chickens and was utterly amazed at being able to collect her 'own' eggs, she hasn't stopped talking about it since, making references to Grandma and Grandads chickens which they have in the UK.
It was truly brilliant to meet Julie. We talked about everything, I loved her openness, her fantastic advice and the fact we could 'share' a story. I felt from the second we met we had bonded already, it was like we had always known each other. To be so at peace with someone is just fantastic.
It never ceases to amaze me the wonderful people I meet online. I read numerous blogs and feel so connected to every one of them, I become drawn into their lives and feel part of it. I always said when we lived to NZ, the last thing I wanted to do was to be around English people. I more than anything wanted to experience different cultures, different ways and different lives. However my opinion has now changed, sometimes you just need that expat to talk to, they understand, they have done what you have done and they know exactly how you feel. To have met Julie, a truly inspirational lady who has not only set goals but accomplished them is very humbling.
I still have a lot to learn, everyday I am amazed, confused and stimulated by people in ways I never thought possible. Some may laugh when you mention the word 'blog' but I can never thank it enough, I have made some of the most beautiful friends who will stay with me forever.
Bethany has talked non stop about Julie today, telling her friends all about her. She asked when she can go back saying the chickens will be hungry if she doesn't! This morning we sat down to dippy eggs, courtesy of the Treanor chickens - thanks Julie - see you again very soon!
Posted by
7:01 pm