We have had a casualty, poor Kitt has passed away.
I noticed him yesterday just sitting there in the tank, and then he turned onto his side and just floated there. I grabbed the net and put him a separate bowl, poor thing then just laid on his side and flapped around.
However he died needlessly I will add.
I called Animates (where we bought him from) and the woman told me he has Bloated Stomach which is something that happens when his breed of fish only has dry food. He swims at the surface and gasps too much air and then this happens. I actually was quite upset with the woman as this isn't the first time I have lost fish through bad advice from that store.I purposely asked when buying him if he would need special food (as he is a Black Moor) to the other two goldfish and was told no. Now the lady tells me on the phone I killed him slowly because I didn't feed him any sinking food!
I'm heading down there over the next few days and I will ask to see the manager, it's cruel and sad for us all that we have yet again lost another fish.