No sooner had Grandad's feet touched ground we had him whisked away to see some of the local sights. With the weather being as it is in Welly this time of year we pretty much just have to decide on the morning what we are going to do.
On the way back, driving along the coast road we were stopped by a mass of cars causing a traffic jam, everyone was looking out to sea and there were people everywhere taking pictures, so we ditched the car and jumped out to see a whale in Houghton Bay! Absolutely brilliant!
It made the newspaper today too, things like this rarely happen and we were so lucky to be part of it...
Michael is off work all this week which is fantastic, so today with the weather looking promising we decided to head up to Martinborough. Wine tasting, eating and getting wet all featured, it was a great time though with many purchases made! 

The best bit was heading to our favourite place called Margrain Vineyard and having dinner, and whilst looking through the colouring in books there was the entry we made exactly a year ago!!
On the ride back we stopped off at Kaitoke Regional Park where we had a wet and soggy walk around the forest park, over the wire bridge (which I now have no fear for!) and on for a walk round the Rivendell (Lord of the Rings) filming site.

We have had a fabulous few first days, its amazing just how much you can fit in and we never get bored of doing these things. Despite the rainy weather it hasn't dampened our spirits and we are looking forward to the next few days, especially when Welly does what it does best and give us 4 seasons in one day!