So I'm at that stage now where I am still happy with my age (I turned 28) but that increasing decent towards 30 is now closing in on me and it gives me plenty to reflect upon and to think about. Its been a crazy old 28 years, some things I have survived pretty well and some things not so good, but I believe this is my essence, all this stuff makes me who I am today.
The title for this post is actually the words of a very famous singer, and its funny that right now they couldn't sum up my feelings any better. The path of life is, and can be, a strange one and although I have learned so much, there is still another life to learn.
So it was a good day, I was sooooo spoilt! I got heaps of presents and cards and felt the international love travel across the vast ocean. My kiwi friends made an amazing amount of effort for me too which I appreciate immensely.
Jo surprised me with a wonderful cake which she made herself, it said 'Happy 1st Kiwi Birthday' on it, and although it is my second birthday here, it was my first as an actual kiwi! Susan bought me some lovely 'kiwi' presents and the ladies together, Jenny, Jo, Susan and Joan jointly bought me some vouchers for the local beauty spa!! So it was only right that I should celebrate in style with my new best buddies and I headed out to Flying Burrito Brothers with Jenny, Susan, Jo, Joan and my super gorgeous friend Monique. Sarah was also due to join us later so the night was going to be good.
We had some wonderful drinks and I was awarded a cowboy hat as birthday girl. The meal was brilliant and the company utterly amazing. Sarah managed to make it later on in the night with pressie in hand, and so my night was made. All my new best friends, all together, all having a brilliant time.
I had a fantastic night, I really did. Over the next year I'm sure my character and spirit will develop further, so many things will happen that will change who I am today. I will no doubt change how I feel about myself again and I wonder who and what I will see in the mirror one year from now...