Wellington's Mother Nature must have been really pissed off the last few days. After the last harmonious post of playing in the park we have been hit with some of the most crazy storms.
It's been 3 days now of being woken around 6am with the extremely loud thunder, and with living in a wooden house now, believe me when I say it can literally rattle your bones. Friday morning was just the best, Michael had gone outside to put the rubbish out when all of a sudden a huge flash of lightening and a boom of thunder brought hailstones the size of marbles crashing down.
Of course I took some video, it shows the start of the storm (listen to the noise that comes from having a tin roof!), the hail that rained down upon us and finishes with the storm passing in the form of a little bird singing it's heart out to let us know it's safe to come out now!
Over the last few days it's been pretty much that - icy storms. It is like living a totally different winter this year. Last year on the coast we experienced wind like never before, here we have hardly had anything compared to what we are used to. By the coast we never had hail that could take your eye out, or that could hang around all day, and we never had so much thunder.I laughed today at a lady at the supermarket who stood at the counter with a trolley full of milk and bread, and was proclaiming the end of the world (or words to that effect). I thought to myself I bet she was English, yet how wrong was I when her accent revealed she was a Kiwi.
Seems the Kiwi's can be just as crazy as us Brits, however my advice would be for them to experience a UK winter (or summer in some places) to know what cold really is!