Congratulations to us - our 5th wedding anniversary!!
Saturday was a fraught day of emotion. We had just returned from our trip away and our house was a complete mess. As we whirled around in the wonderful feeling of the day but we were covered in seeds of doubt that the night we had planned wouldn't go to plan.
The plan was to spend the night in a luxury hotel in Wellington City, getting 'rid of' our two children; Bethany and Denver. As you might remember the last time Bethany attempted her first night out it didn't go to well. Fingers, toes and other bits were crossed in the hope it would go well. But with her carrying a full cold with watery eyes and the worst chesty cough we were sceptical.
So first up was to 'get rid of' Denny. It's been a mammoth of a task trying to find the right place for him to go. I must say I was more worried about him than I was for Bethany! Over the last few weeks I have trawled the nearest kennels. I really hoped I would find one that was like a doggy hotel than a doggy kennel, but they were not to be seen (maybe a new business opportunity there - or maybe I am just too soft!). I know in the UK there are doggy hotels, some places even have a TV for the dogs to watch...
Anyway, I broke it down to the last 3 which were closest. I visited Allbreeds which is in Whiteman's Valley and was greeted by a friendly man, but who really thought I was being a daft Sheila for asking such questions as: 'can I bring him some treats?'. I could see in his eye he would be telling his buddy's down the pub that night that some silly English woman had come in all over obsessed by a dog!
The second place we drove to was Alrona which is up in Kaitoke, now this place was actually really nice and was our favourite. But when the lady there didn't really have time to show us around and was very flustered to the point she could hardly talk, it left me a little worried that she was over worked. The advert in the door for a position available confirmed that.
Then lastly it was Judgeford which is on the Haywards. This place was definitely a class act. The man there showed us round, was friendly and spent time talking to us. He asked about Denver, and seemed genuinely interested in him. Then he led us back to the office to make a booking with his wife. I wrote out the details adding Denver as a Labrador/Staffy cross. She took one look at the form and asked where we got him from. I said SPCA and this look came over her face. She then asked if he was a Pitbull. Confused much? Well I blatantly told her that no he was not a Pitbull, to which she replied mumbling something about how they had another SPCA dog that was a mixed Pitbull and so they needed to make sure.
If this lady had asked me in a nice way, a friendly happy way, then I would have been able to just shrug this off, but she was mean and damn right rude.
So with the Saturday morning knocking on our door we needed to make a decision. I called Allbreeds which was the first place and had a really nice chat on the phone to a lady who assured me she would care for Denver personally. I even sneaked in the comments the other boarding kennel has said about his breed and she told me not to worry....all dogs are different despite their breed! Hurrah!
So with a successful drop off with Denver it was on to drop off child number two. Luckily for Bethany she was not only staying at my friend Jo's house overnight, she was spending the day at Sammy's 7th birthday party with all of Sammy's school friends. We knew right away she would love that, she misses her cousin Amy (who is 10) so very much.

The next morning (after breakfast in bed!) we headed out (after a spa bath!!) to the Affordable Art Show that was on at the TSB Arena. We really didn't know what to expect but we were overwhelmed by the amount of amazing work there was. We found a few favourites but as we turned the last corner there it was - the best piece of art work there (and totally amazed it was still available).

SO the rest of the day was spent relaxing. Our little angel joined us at lunch time and was just full of stories about how much of a good time she had had. Bethany stayed out for her first night without mammy and daddy!!!! I can't thank my dear friend Jo enough, I know for a fact she would have treated her like she really was a princess.
For the rest of the afternoon Bethany enjoyed splashing around in the spa bath, waving to people from the balcony and playing in the storage cupboard which was bigger than our house (the things children find to do!).
Five years marriage isn't that long, but to us it does feel like longer, and not in a bad way! The last few years have really flown over, coming to live in NZ has certainly made use of our time. We don't regret one moment, we only wish we could relive them all over again.
We have done things some people can only dream of, we have been places we never thought we would and we have grown so much as man and wife it's unreal. I am grateful for everyday, every single second and I treasure every single memory like it was the last.