Sunday, December 23, 2007

Kia Ora, Vanilla!

A quiet Sunday for us this weekend, plans for the future move, discussions on the new year and playing with Birthday presents took president...however we did take a trip out to Animates to buy a new fish.

Now I am actually not a fan of Animates after the last bad advice, but they are the only store in our area that offers the biggest range. As always you have to go see the puppies, kittens and rabbits, Bethany adamant that she will have all of them one day!

We emerged from the store with not one fish but three! Say hello to Vanilla (Michael's new fish after the sad news when Kitt died):

Oh and the other two? Well we bought some Borneo Sucker fish, tiny little things that whizz around the tank cleaning any algae - fabulous - and they are sooo funny!! We have called them Apple and Mac...

Why Apple and Mac...?
Well because the Apple Mac literally sucks!!!