One thing we are very proud of is the fact we live somewhere that people want to visit. Tourism is big business for New Zealand with the statistics of visitors climbing every year. I love the fact I am always presumed to be a visitor and when I say we now live here the awe, admiration and overall interest that comes with it fills me with such pride.
However a new note to brain would be not to attempt going to Te Papa over the Christmas holidays!! The weather was pretty horrible on Friday morning and being unable to meet with Annemieke because of it I took Bethany to Te Papa, thought we could have our lunch and have some fun.
When I arrived the 'car park full' sign was up and so straight away I should have known. However I spotted someone pulling out right next to the entrance so was very lucky! But as we approached the main doors we saw a queue, at first I thought it was a tour group - but no, it was the queue for the restaurant!! I have never seen a queue like this here before and they were starting to turn people away.
As it was already after 1pm we headed upstairs to the cafe where again it was very busy but just had to get something to eat. I asked a couple who were at a 4 person table if we could share and was rudely told there wouldn't be enough room! Luckily another table became free so we grabbed that. I spent $26 on two tiny sandwiches and a tea which finally arrived after 15 minutes. Overall a miserable lunch!
Wandering round was near impossible, couldn't really get near anything to view it, and then we queued again (we never queue!) for 10 minutes for the magic lilo's! Afterwards I was pushed in front of while I was in the queue at the advice station, not once but three times, bumped into numerous times without a single sorry and stood in front of at the exhibitions I was reading!! All I wanted to do was stand there and shout at the top of my voice 'BUT I LIVE HERE AND YOU ARE SPOILING IT!!!!!!'. Harsh, but true.
However despite my low mood we did enjoy some time in Story Place, where the theme was 'Lets Go Camping'. Bethany really enjoyed listening to camping stories round the fire and sitting inside the tent. Then she went fishing and gathered the supper for her and the other children!