Yesterday, a big group of us from work went out for a bike ride. We usually go out on a lunch time for an hour around Wellington's coast, or up Mt Vic for some downhill fun - but this time it was a bit further.
We met the Red Bull crew first, who supplied us with a few cans of drink to help us on our way.
After that we set off for our ride, which was to take us the entire coast line of Wellington - approx 45Km. As you can see, Monteiths provided us with some t-shirts for the ride so we were in uniform.
We stopped after about 20Km for a break, and were met by some friends from work with our supplies. The food for the team was of course a healthy steak & cheese pie and a bottle of Monteiths Summer Ale!
After that, we continued on along the rugged coastline, through the gale force winds and towards our fan club waiting by the side of the road. We were met along the way by Marrisa and Bethany, who were with Annemieke and her son Norbert.
That was our final rest stop, before riding up Ohiro Road and down Brooklyn Hill into Wellington. We ended up at The Tasting Room pub, and they were kind enough to throw in a few free jugs of beer and some food for our team.
The day went without a hitch, and more importantly without injury!
More pics can be seen here.