Saturday morning Jo and I teamed up and took the kids to Capital E and were transported back in time Christmas of yesteryear…into an era of Queen Victoria. We wandered into a snowy London street filled with candlelight and coal-fires, mistletoe and magic. We saw shops dripping in decorations, could smell cloves & orange in the air and we even got to peek into Scrooge’s bedroom…
There was just so much for us to do, we met Santa and got to sit in his sleigh, we got to make Christmas cards and use a turn of the century printing press to make festive greetings inside, and we got to make our own Christmas crackers. We even got to sing traditional carols around the pianola!!!
Saturday night I ended up in town trying to have a quiet drink and a nice Indian meal - what happens? These strange women come sit with me and start talking to me like the know me...bloody crazy kiwis...
Of course you should know these 'ladies' by now. Jo, Joan and Susan. Susan decided she was no longer a trapped housewife and took to the pole in a club later on. One of two things here - she is either doesn't get out enough or is getting out too much!!
Sunday morning we headed to The Southern Cross for brunch. Through our blog we met a lovely couple called Dawn and Darren. Expats from the USA we clicked straight away and had a fantastic morning, the food was lovely and it was brilliant to hear another expat story. Dawn is an accountant and Darren works for Weta. Truly fab people and we look forward to meeting up with them again soon.
In between all this put up the tree, Bethany went to a birthday party and Michael and I got an hour in a pub by ourselves which was the first time in a LONG time!
But the best part of our whole weekend was (and still is) the amazingly hot weather. This is a photo of Lyall Bay beach on Sunday - deep dark clouds and an out temp of 27 degrees!