Friday, November 02, 2007

Getting In Right At Last

One thing I have been blessed with here in our new life is the ease of meeting new people, now whether that's just because I have a small child or because of my shining personality I will not know!!

But I must admit I have developed a large range of new friends, and every one of them brings new things into my life. They all seem to have a purpose and be able to help me and teach me on my life journey.

As you know Bethany has been attending swimming lessons for quite some time now, and as all us attending parents we sit on the side along with the other attending parents. Through this I have met and made friends with two lovely ladies.

One is called Annemieke who is Dutch and the other Louise who is a Kiwi. Annemieke has a gorgeous little boy called Norbert (who I have mentioned before in a previous post) and expecting (currently 8 months pregnant) and Louise has three children, two older and one precious little girl called Lydia.

As it is that we sit on the pool together every week but always feel distracted or unable to have a good natter, we arranged to have little get together's at each others houses after swimming. This week we went to Louise's house and it was fantastic. So much for a cup of tea! She laid out food, fruit and entertainment for the children!

(Annemieke far left and Lousie far right)
Louise has a beautiful home and it's just a maze of a playground for the little ones. We of course managed to have wonderful chats about life and get to know each other better whilst the little ones played dress up in the glorious sunshine.

My day has been one of the busiest I have had in a long time, but this afternoon was just perfect, and such a welcome break. I always welcome new people in my life with open arms, but it's taken me a long time to do this here, especially in our first few months here as I shut myself away, and just longed for my friends in the UK.

I remember once meeting a lady in a play area (this was just after we arrived), she was also an expat and had been here 10 years. She had a whole vast of knowledge and told me that she went through the same thing as me and just couldn't seem to make friends. As we talked I realised It was literally down to my perplexed being, my sad face and my inhibited self that made it this way. I changed that day and funnily enough the friends started to pour in.

I have never been 'popular' and there have only ever had 3 friends I could call actual best friends. They are still in my life now and it's wonderful, but now there are all the amazing ladies I have met here, and now they will stand alongside my oldest and dearest friends hopefully forever.