Back at the end of July I had a few drinks and agreed to take part in Movember. Today is day 1, and it wasn't the easiest. I haven't actually been clean shaven in about 5 years, in fact, I wasn't even clean shaven on our wedding day!
The idea behind Movember is to raise awareness and money for the Prostate Cancer Foundation of New Zealand, so a group of us at work are have a competition.
As I don't usually shave with anything other than hair clippers, I don't actually own any normal shaving implements. So at 6am this morning, there I was using Marrisa's Wild Berry scented shaving foam and one of her pink Bic razors. Nice eh?
So no doubt pics will follow on a weekly basis, as I become less like me - and more like some gringo!

Oh and if you want to donate or sponsor me, click the link HERE (registration number 103702 if required)