Monday, November 26, 2007

Down To 7 Lives

If Bethany was a cat she would now only have 7 lives left. You may remember the story from a while back when she hid from me and I not only lost the plot but it was the first time Bethany faced strong punishment.

Today Bethany lost her 8th life.

Every Monday and Tuesday I have Bethany and another little girl to look after, and normally they play where I can see them or in the play room which is on the same floor of the house but out of sight. Over the last few weeks the two girls have been rather mischievous, with painting things not meant to be painted and ripping posters off the wall and tearing them up into tiny pieces.

However today beats all that. We were downstairs looking for some books to read and the phone rang, I left them to choose books. It was a call from one of my friends in the UK and 10 minutes must have passed before I realised I hadn't heard anything from them. I ended the call and I went downstairs and was faced with the absolute horror of two girls, body lotions, nail varnish, perfumes and sticking plasters everywhere, and when I say everywhere I mean, on the carpet, the walls, the whole en-suite, our bed and in our wardrobe. 10 minutes was all it took for this to happen....

Now you must excuse the blurry pictures, I was a little annoyed by this point and wasn't in the mood for artistic shots!!

The girls were separated and ate apart. I took the little girl to Kindy and left Bethany to scream in the car. She has spent the whole day with me, no treats, no dressing up, no TV and certainly no getting together with her little buddy tomorrow.

I know kids do strange things but this is just crazy. Pure madness for them to think it was OK. Its taken us nearly 3 hours of cleaning now and we are struggling with the stain on the carpet, so if anyone has any suggestions for getting nail varnish off carpets - please let us know!

And if anyone is looking for a reason to not have children - then read this all again!