Yes these delightful little darlings were only a few of the overall amount we found in the garden today!
I decided to tackle the garden. A good idea at the time but I certainly did not realise how much work it would be! The house is on 942 square metres of land, and looking at the 'odd bits' that I thought could do with a tidy up, ended up in a mammoth 3 hours in the garden!
Bethany helped out by bagging up and carrying the off cuts to the back of the garage, she worked really hard and was very patient considering the amount of times she asked how long I would be as she wanted to play. She was such a good little helper.
Bethany and I worked through the rain and of course ended up soaked. After all our hard work we enjoyed a hot bath together and then I crawled into bed...yep, after 3 hours of bending I had the worst back ache, so bad I could hardly walk! I can tell my 30's are sneaking up on me now (ha ha).
Despite that all was good in our world today, so good I just wanted to let you know.
Oh and the snails? Well that photo above is just the gathering we made from one small Agapanthus bush, there were a whole heap more after that. So what else can you do with a whole bunch of snails?
Lets just say the dinner we had tonight was quite magnifique!*
*Dont panic snail police! We actually took them to the bottom of our garden and let them go...they live to see another day and reign terror upon my plants!