Well it was officially the first day of Spring on the 1st September...and a glorious first day it was too. With temperatures reaching a delightful 26 degrees on our deck, it was so reminiscent of the stunning summer days we have had, and now haven't got long to wait for again.
The season changes are still somewhat difficult to get used to. I don't notice a shift through the seasons as I did in the UK, the weather here is moderate, evenly balanced out most of the time. The only season that stands out is Winter and only because it's so darn cold!!
Our most gorgeous plants have started to bloom in the garden, the buds are popping up on the trail of Ivy that drapes the covering on the back deck, and the colours have started to develop again on some of the most lovely trees. It seems like such a short time that they went to 'sleep', it's so wonderful though to see them coming back already.
It was also the first day of putting the washing out on the line too. I know most people have been doing this for months at the slightest speck of sunshine but I found it a waste of time. Not enough warmth = soggy clothes that needed to go in the dryer anyway.
I have drawn a picture to explain how he helps.

However Spring can be temperamental, when we first arrived in NZ we had the shock of our lives as NZ experienced it's worst Spring in history - typical that!
This year in Spring if I have to put on a coat to sit outside then I will, I am so ready to say goodbye to Winter and bring on the Slop, Slap and Wrap Summer!