Or at least its heading in that direction...summer!
We are certainly having more good days than bad now (good = sunshine and bad = rain). Its funny that in January this year we celebrated at finally having some rain, and now here we are becoming obsessed with a little bit of sun. But that is what it's about, everyone knows how amazing the sunshine can make you feel, and now we cannot wait for those long lazy happy summer days. The clocks went forward last night so we are now exactly +12 hours with the UK. Maybe its because we now live away from the coast but I thought this winter although harsh (it seemed to just appear), was short. I know my friends living down where we used to on the coast have found it hard, making some of them consider a move more inland, those southerlies can be tough.
Michael has started to head off to work on his motorbike again, its spent a few months in the garage gathering dust but I think with the temperatures climbing and the sunshine visiting us more he will be out there on it (like he needs an excuse!).
The garden is just glorious at the moment, it wraps round the whole house engulfing it with the most amazing sights and smells. We now have two 'resident' Kereru's that like to sit in the big tree sunning themselves, and the monarch butterflies are back too - they are the most hugely majestic gorgeous creatures. Plants are budding and its reminding us why we fell in love with this house in the first place.

Denver loves going for walks (as all dogs do!) and since gaining his water wings there is just no keeping him out. However saying that he still hates the bath and goes crazy when I get the hose pipe out...what's all that about?
The river is definitely one of our most favourite walks, gorgeous rolling valley views, stunning clean water and the beautiful smell of pure fresh air makes us so very grateful for living in such a stunning place.

Denver has a halti lead which many many people mistake for a muzzle because it goes over his nose, but in fact he has full freedom as normal. Denver is tipping the scales now at 24kg and is VERY strong. If on a normal collar and lead he will use his whole weight to pull with, now we have control of his head and he is unable to pull - this has been the perfect tool to help us actually take Denver for a walk and not have him take us for a walk!
However he hates it! Most walks are spent with the usual sniffing, running, playing and then a good session of rubbing along the floor...
As it is that sometimes Denny can become over obsessed with the whole thing we now take it off once we are in a 'safe' area for recalling, he is spending more and more time off the lead now anyway and the recalls seem to be working well.
He is funny though, first sight of freedom and he turns into crazy dog!!
Most people decide to head away on holiday as soon as the summer arrives, many go away for Christmas and New Year making the most of the summer months. But I think for us as we are so content at the moment cherishing our home and our gorgeous garden that we will be spending more time here. We seem to get lost in the exciting thoughts of what else New Zealand has to offer and can sometimes over look what we have right here on our doorstep. It's crazy! We have an amazing family with Denver now making us a 4 and we are so very lucky. We have so many delightful years ahead to explore the wonder that is NZ, and creating even more stunning memories.
Summer this year will be better than ever, its our 3rd summer here and we couldn't be in a better place, not just physically but emotionally and mentally.
Lets get the 3 B's rolling...BBQ, Beers and Beach!!