It's pretty rough going here in NZ when the weather is bad. There are only so many places you can go out of the howling wind and rain and that can come a bit tedious at times. Wellington is definitely geared up for more outdoor pursuits, and when the weather is rough it can become a tough time entertainment wise.
But the last week has just been amazing weather wise. We have had some beautiful days with temperatures reaching 18 degrees at 10am the other morning!!
On Wednesday Stef and I took the girls to Staglands. Definitely one of my most favourite places to go and I just had to share it with Stef and Daisy. Check out Smudgers UK-NZ for a video and heaps more photos!
Despite some worry over the weather we were delightfully treated to warmer temperatures with the odd peak of sunshine here and there. It was lovely, we had such a nice walk round. I did however get attacked by a magpie at one point and Daisy was butted by a deer - but other than that it was great fun!!

We also wanted to make sure we were far away, but not too far away from home. So on Sunday we took a ride up to Paekakariki Holiday Park. It is absolutely lovely, we managed to find and book a spot that would house all 7 tents, and the park has all the usual needed amenities. If that wasn't good enough its a 3 minute walk to the beach!
We decided to check it out and we had a glorious LONG walk in the beautiful blazing sunshine. The beach was simply gorgeous, beautiful sand, amazing views and of course the obligatory tyre tree...
A wonderland. Our wonderland. New Zealand.