Friday, September 21, 2007

Busy Beautiful Friday

It's been such a busy day today, Fridays always are and it has proved it today with me just waking now from 2 hours in bed!

Again the weather has been stunning, beautiful blue skies and the sun was blazing hot by 10am. I just love mornings like this, you wake feeling cheery and all summery. I rush upstairs to get the windows open and welcome the fresh morning air in.

So with the smell of the beautiful day already circulating our house Bethany and I took a walk over the road to the nature reserve. We are so lucky to have this amazing area literally right over the road from our house.

As we walked we listened to birds, saw butterflies and the one thing that signifies summer here - crickets! That wonderful over-powering noise is back!

As we reached the gully Bethany asked where the Weta was...the Weta she was referring to was the one we found with Grandma and Grandad when they visited in February, talk about an amazing memory, she even knew which rock we left it on!

Bethany picked flowers and threw stones in a little mud pool and we then wandered back to the house de-robing in the heat on the way.

After some lunch we headed out to Bethany's swimming lessons. Bethany has developed amazingly over the last few weeks and is now a confident under water swimmer. She has also made good friends with her little swimming buddy called Norbert.

As always on a Friday after swimming, it's a drive over to Eastbourne for Hip Hop classes. Bethany just loves dance class, and spends most of her time saying 'excuse this' whilst performing some type of move!

I love the Friday afternoons in Eastbourne, we drove back along the coast stopping off for an obligatory ice cream. We sat on the beach and watched people in the ocean and joined everyone having an amazing time in the sunshine.

On the way back to the city we even had time to go to the play area which funnily enough is Bethany's favourite. By this point though I was starting to fade slightly, getting the afternoon tiredness that comes for me with pregnancy.

Bethany was an angel and when I told her the baby wanted to go home for a sleep, she gave my tummy a cuddle and said 'OK baby, we can go home so you can have some rest'.

It's now the end of term here for a few weeks so there will be no structured things going on, hopefully I will get some time to relax a little now, but no doubt if the weather stays like this that won't happen!!