This year we ventured intrepidly into Christmas, we were naturally excited to be in our first Kiwi home and to have Denver by our side, yet the feeling of actual Christmas was at the very least hidden.
I absolutely adore the fact we have the most beautiful weather, who can beat that summer feeling, having sand in your toes, the smell of BBQ's, yet the actual 'feeling' of Christmas that we are used to is now long gone!
The days that have followed have been truly stunning, simple moments that have made for the best of memories.
On Boxing Day we were kindly invited to Stef and Rich's house for a BBQ. The weather was blazing and Stef was of course not only beautiful but a stunning host and Rich cooked up an amazing meal. We had a wonderful time laughing and learning with our new gorgeous friends. Thank you.
Nevertheless we had a lovely walk up to a waterfall, and then back down to the river where the kids (big and small) played happily in the river. However despite the bliss we did have a complete drama with Denver.
All was going well at the river, we know not to let Denver off his lead if there are other dogs around as although his recall is excellent, if he sees another dog he suddenly shows his puppy age of 10 months old and just cannot resist!
From nowhere this Golden Retriever splashed full force into the river, before we could grab Denver the dog came over and what followed was a game of rough and tumble in the water.
Looking around anxiously for it's owner it just took off - with Denver following. A panicked race through the forest with us screaming after him was useless, we had no idea which way he went. Eventually I heard him barking and followed the sound. Still completely oblivious to the fact I was there (due to him still playing with the other dog) I was not only annoyed but horrendously embarrassed, but then as someone opened their back car door (as we do for Denver) he jumped in filling it with water and mud!!
I dragged Denver's sorry butt back to the car where he spent the rest of his time. I then had to go back and make endless apologies and clean the mans car. Yes Denver was without doubt in the wrong, but when I questioned the man as to why his dog was so far away, he said 'he likes to roam'.
Anyway, I was annoyed and very disappointed. Like any parent with a badly behaved child, you know how embarrassing and how hard you can be on yourself. Julia if you are reading....?
Today has of course been another amazing day. The sun has blazed so much that our plants needed an afternoon water as they wilted in the heat. We spent the morning taking down the tree and taking down the decorations. Then this afternoon we were joined for a wine by our lovely friends Rach, Craig and Myles - we sat outside at 33 degrees.
So we head away tomorrow for our big camping trip. We are sooo excited as we will be away over New Year. A little while back Michael and I came up with the most lovely plan to bring all our friends and their families together to celebrate. As it is we all have children being able to do such a thing is very rare now. So as it is also that we all camp - we had our solution!
We are heading away for three nights and cannot wait to celebrate it with our lovely friends - 7 other families! Denver is heading to his new 'doggy minder' (along with Chips) and we have a fantastic neighbour who is actually going to house sit for us so our house won't be empty! Magical.
So tonight we sit in anticipation of tomorrow. The weather has been so glorious all day, but tonight we were hit with a massive downpour. As it eased we were graced with the most stunning rainbow.

As we sit here tonight we raise a glass to you all, Happy New Year to all our gorgeous family, friends and all our blogging buddies - we love you all so very much.
Make it a good one, make it 2009.
“Remember today, for it is the beginning of always.
Today marks the start of a brave new future filled with all your dreams can hold.
Think truly to the future and make those dreams come true."