Monday, December 08, 2008

That Time Again

It may only come but once a year but heck the year has flown. I remember everything from last year so vividly, maybe that's a sign of old age, or maybe it's because it's true that time really does fly when you are having fun.

Saturday was the day for getting our tree. Normally we wait till at least the second weekend into December but I could wait no longer, not only could I see other trees and decorations popping up, but it takes a good few weeks to get used to the idea with the change in seasons from what we are used to, so an early start was needed.

Of course Bethany loved every moment, we picked up the tree from place just down the road who were donating part of the cost to the local disabled riding school. This year our tree cost us $40 and a graceful bargain it was too!

This tree has been trimmed to actually look more like a Christmas tree is supposed to. You know the standard shape that is known throughout the world, I can see now how it was we had comments that our tree from last year 'looked strange'!

We spent the day decorating, gigging out our Kiwiana decorations, dancing round whilst playing the usual Christmas tunes and literally getting wrapped up in the moment.

OK, so the tree is up, pressies are wrapped...whats left?
Oh yeah - sunblock!