One of the things I've done more of since moving to NZ is drink coffee.
Work meetings are held at coffee shops, job interviews have been held in coffee shops - in fact, I'm probably high on coffee right now as I type this. The fact it took only 1.8 seconds to type this much proves it...
Back in the UK I was mainly an instant coffee sort of person, because it was simple and cheap. I had a filter coffee maker (and still do) and it does the job very well, but it makes only straight black coffee. After much deliberation, and the fact that Briscoes had a 20% off sale this weekend, we picked up a new coffee machine.This thing is awesome. It makes every would-be coffee maker into a fully fledged Barista! Well it would do if we could get the bloody coffee grind right! After the grinding of the beans comes the compacting it into the thingy that the water comes down (see, ace terminology already!). Anyway, here's my 1st effort for your amusement!
Then heat and froth the milk...
And there you have it, a flat white.... kind of...
Now all that is left is for me to acquire the skills to do the fancy pictures on the top!