We launched Dawes Migration Services nearly two months ago now and it's been an amazing success. We dummy tested it on family and friends, had opinions, feedback and hints from people in the know and then we hit the world with it - and we have not been disappointed.
Advertising has been a huge helpful factor in getting things going. We took out adverts in what used to be our local newspapers in the UK, advertised on various migration websites and more recently as a follow up to our feature, we ran adverts in the Living Abroad Magazine.

We have through advertising met wonderfully new, refreshing, honest people who really just want to experience some of what we have - and we can't do enough to help them. Thank you to you all, we can't wait to add you not only to our 'success list' but to join us as friends and live the most amazing life here in NZ.So we have done some revamping of our website, with more to come soon. After running this for a few months we have diversified and expanded our services, offering a more wide spread service and as a result, have split our offerings up into packages. Supplying one overall package with one set cost doesn't always work for everyone, with all customers situations being unique.
There are currently 2 options available which you can view on the Dawes Migration Services website - and because we feel so strongly towards helping you get yourself into this wonderful land we are now for a limited time offering Package 1 for FREE!
Check out the website, ask us what we can do for you and come join us on the journey of a lifetime...