Keeping us warm this weekend were 3 birthday parties, a wonderful reminiscent walk and a mega tantrum, but more on the tantrum later.
Saturday was a lovely day, the sun shone and Bethany was lucky enough to attend her friend Alexander's 5th Birthday party.
We left Bethany in the trusted hands of our friends and took Denver for a short walk on the beach. After collecting Bethany the beach bug bit us again and we decided to head out once more, this time revisiting one of our most favourite old haunts - The Red Rocks beach.
Sunday was another good day, well apart from Little Miss Stroppy Pants, aka, Bethany. We headed to Tiny Town in Kilbirnie and celebrated a very special little girls 3rd birthday.
Then as I mentioned earlier we were to head to the second party of the day which was for her friend Beth who was turning 5.
From the second we left the first party Bethany turned into a teenager right in front of our eyes, rude, frustrated, shouting, growling and being god damn annoying - and why? All because we wouldn't let her take photos in the car!
The battery was running low and as we had a second party it needed to be saved, yet trying to explain this to her was like ice skating up hill, and she totally lost the plot! So I dropped in the pressie, wished them well and we took Bethany home with no party.
Needless to say it was a painful drive home and madam was asleep in bed by 6.15pm. Funnily enough things have been a bit easier since then!!
Oh well, we can't have perfection all of the time that's for sure. We may have a beautiful home and a wonderful family life but one things for sure, no matter how many parties, no matter how much cake and no matter how many gorgeous walks we take on the beach, if Bethany wants a tantrum - she is going to have one!