I'm laughing at the fact Bethany asks who all these men are that keep staying at our house, she asks 'why is there another boy here that's like Craig?' - it's cute, but could be worrying!!
Anyway despite what she may (or you!) think we haven't opened a halfway house or anything, we are just blessed to have met some amazing people through the power of cyberspace. Alan, his wife Lisa and their 4 children (and 1 dog) are planning a move to NZ hopefully by the end of the year. The least we could do is put Alan up in our spare room for a few nights, and help him out with what will probably be the most amazing thing they will ever do.
So we collected Alan from the airport, we didn't appreciate the fact Wellington had been lovingly decorated with sunshine all day, yet 10 minutes before Alan's plane landed the most severe rain storms pelted down!
We made it home and before anything could be done Bethany was treated to bags and bags full of gorgeous dress ups and lovely clothes!!
She was absolutely overwhelmed and spent the next hour hopping from one costume to the next whilst stuffing her face with smarties which she was lucky enough to get too!! We also got pressies, far too spoilt!!
After a few hours of total relaxation I emerged with fantastic hair again and we headed off to The Bach for lunch. The ocean was raging as we entered Owhiro Bay, massive, really massive waves that pelted the rocks, at one point the water splashed so high that it flooded the car park and the road leading to Island Bay - this is what happened to the road:
A bit of excitement anyway for Alan to experience NZ's powerful and temperamental climate! We took the coast road home stopping off to take in the views here and there along the way.
Tonight we had a gorgeous meal at The Silverspoon Restaurant which ended in the boys going one way (to the pub!) and us girls coming home. One in bed and one here writing this with a quiet glass of wine!!
I LOVE cyberspace, we have met so many amazing people. The passion the people have that we meet infuses with our love for NZ too, and we bond on so many levels. I cannot wait to meet Lisa and their gorgeous children (oh and the dog!), this year is bringing so many special people into our lives, people who want what we have, people who strive for the best for their children, people with a passion for life - and because they are amazing - we are here to help them all the way.