Michael surprised me tonight with a present...well he actually said it was for me but described it as 'something for us all'!
Wii Fit arrived at our home and we have never stopped laughing since.
You get a little balance board that you pop down on the floor and to start with it measures your weight, height and fitness level. Bethany had a go first and came out with a perfect rate for her age, but when Michael and I got on it we were greeted with 'obese' and some fat mii's were born!! I personally was treated to a fitness age of 37!!!! (and for those of you who don't know thats a +9 years!). Michael however was that little bit closer -thank you F3 for making my hubby fit!
So far we have been enjoying the fun of the balancing games which include tightrope walking, skiing, and football!
Also Michael has just tested out the Yoga and is a pro already. As I type this he is doing the jogging part of it with the Wii remote in his pocket!!
For the oldies lets all say together - 'eee back in our day' as there was non of this 'technology' stuff. And for those of us today lets embrace the beauty and become wiii-ly fit!