The car had to go in the garage today for it's WOF (MOT to those of you in the UK!) and so we had to use good old fashioned leg power to get us around.
Denver and I dropped Bethany off at Kindy and then we dropped the car off at the garage and walked home. Then we had to walk back to Kindy to pick up Bethany and then walk home again, and THEN we had to walk back to get the car. Anyone who knows me knows I don't do exercise and well when a usual 10 minute journey takes 45 minutes each time because of Denver-the-stop-every-second-to-smell-something-dog, I was about beside myself!
Anyway on the last journey to get the car I took the trusty camera. Bethany walked Denver, we met Trixie our neighbours older SPCA rescue and then Bethany took charge of the camera.
Here are some of the photos Bethany took: