You may remember a while ago we introduced Richard?
Well after only two weeks in NZ, Richard, Stef and Daisy have not only set up a new life - they have made it so easy that it feels like they have always been here!
Richard got a fantastic job offer with amazing perks after only 3 days. The three managed to find a wonderful place to stay in Raumati and on Friday they moved into their new home in Whitby!!
Bethany and I met up with Stef and Daisy at Junglerama on Thursday last week. We could have talked forever and I was totally amazed at how well they had settled and how everything to them already seems so 'normal'.Reminiscent of the days we arrived and remembering the emotions that came with it all brought tears to my eyes. I love my kiwi friends very much, without them my personal journey would have probably ended a long time ago.
Sometimes though to have that someone to talk to who knows what you have been through (and believe me moving to the other side of the world is not easy) and who understands this, is just something I need very much.
Bethany and Daisy we think have formed an amazing relationship too. Daisy is much younger than Bethany but she is so clever and advanced that you wouldn't know the difference. We have seen over the years different children that Bethany connects with, the children she feels comfortable with and the children she just plain doesn't like! So luckily the relationship between Bethany and Daisy is blooming, and we can see a forever friendship growing here. Richard and Stef's things (i.e. their household items) are currently somewhere on the ocean making their long journey from the UK, and should hopefully be here soon. I laughed hysterically at a text message last night that Stef sent me which said Richard and her were sat on deck chairs in the front room, drinking vodka from plastic cups and watching a TV on which was on the floor!!
Today we rocked up at Chez Smith with a box of fish and chips and a whole heap of love for them. We adore their new house and to walk in and feel that family warmth is amazing. They are so settled, they are purely happy and have embraced their new life head on and that radiates immensely.
Of course we are proud. We would like to think we have helped them, we would like to think they feel supported and we hope they know we are here for them no matter what. We would also like to think we are going to be friends forever more and ride side by side on this new journey.
Good on you guys - dreams do come true and you have proved it more than was ever possible.