We knew where we were going in life now, we had talked about things and just needed to make that life changing trip a reality, but first, we took a last minute birthday trip to Dublin in October 2005.
We love Dublin, it's certainly up there with some of the most amazing cities, steeped in history but more recently modernly raised - its the somewhere that's only an hour on a plane away that we miss.
Bethany looked after the Grandparents whilst we took to the skies, probably our last ever time alone without her so we needed to make the most of it, there were no more babysitters where we were going!
I think just like any country, stunning views from the plane and plenty of refreshments to keep us happy!

We stayed in a quaint street, recently converted from cobbles to tarmac but it still had a tram running through the street, although again - more modernised!
We spent lots of time in St Stephens Green which is the beautiful gardens in the heart of Dublin.

There was a company offering horse drawn carriage tours through the city and although romantic, it was quite pricey (and that meant less beer) so we opted for the good old open top bus tour, and first stop...the Guinness Brewery!
A fantastic walk through the history of Guinness, ending up with a complimentary pint of the old black stuff right at the top - with magnificent views of the city to admire. I never had liked Guinness (and never have since), but that pint on that day which was directly from the actual pumps of the brewery was the best pint ever!
There was this amazing wall in the brewery where people from all over the world had written messages and pinned them to the wall for all to see. Here's our contribution...
Of course in between drinking pints, was more drinking, and more having fun, for the first time in a long time and has so far been the last time in a long time!!