Once again we popped on our SPCA capes and stood anxiously smiling at the shoppers heading in and out of New World in central Wellington City.
Bethany came along too, she was an absolute star shaking the bucket for the whole hour and offering stickers to those who donated. Although this time she demanded we take a chair for her to sit on and she was dressed up!
Such an interesting and different mix of people - the ones who pretend to be looking at their phones or receipts so as not to make eye contact. The kids who run over with panicked parents running behind. The old dears who get down to pat the dogs but then could not get back up again. The young boy who cradled his skateboard, grunted, nodded and dropped in a coin.
Julia and her lovely daughter stood side by side the whole day, welcoming new volunteers and patting their dogs, and getting us all into position - they are truly awesome and deserve a whole lot of gratitude for what they do.
Denver Dawes once again did us proud - raising a nifty $124.50.
The total for the whole day reached $2204. If you passed a dog on Saturday whilst doing your food shopping and popped in a coin or two, be damn proud of yourself for all you have done. The SPCA thanks you.