Friday, April 25, 2008

Staglands Wildlife Park

As it is now the kids two week break from school and kindy, it means trying to find some type of entertainment, of course living in Wellington that isn't hard to do!

Since moving house I have made the agreement with the Jo, Susan, Joan and Jenny that I will go to their homes as normal every Tuesday, but when it comes the holidays they will come my way, and so of course came the idea of Staglands.

We have been before but it is an amazing place that the children just adore. It's basically and open wildlife park where you can get up close and personal with the various animals. It really does however amaze me how this place operates, in the UK it would have just been stamped with 'health and safety risk' and shut down. It's amazing how these Kiwi's have a better outlook on life, so comes the saying I suppose of 'Oh it will be alright mate'.

A bit low on numbers today as only Susan and Jo could make it, but that wasn't going to dampen our enthusiasm. The weather was good to us as we had an amazing wander around the park, first off it took us via the ducks and huge population of peacocks. Then down past the river to see the pigs, donkeys and for the children to have the chance to enter a den for rabbits and Guinea pigs and actually pick them up. Like I said, people are trusted to have common sense here and treat things with respect...not so sure that would happen back in the UK?

Not much further round was the Trout pond where the biggest Trout twirled in the water. Along with them were 3 eels - massive black eels. Sammy who was wearing bright pink sat by the waters edge and the only three eels in the pond came over to her, and not only that they wanted to get out! Either they liked her bright pink colours or she is the Queen of Eels!

Heading through various aviaries we were greeted by the cutest little birds, some of them with new babies as we could hear the little cheeps in the trees, and we could even get face to face with some of the most beautiful Kea's.

Along came a little pony called Brook, such a cute little thing, heading towards 13 years old and still enjoying life every day. Each of the kids took turns to ride him and they even managed a little trot much to the delight of all of them!

Onwards through the very spooky 'Olde Town' where I'm sure a horror movie could be filmed here quite easily, it has that certain eeriness about it!

Then onto the kids favourite part of the railway, where I pushed them screaming along happily in an old cart. If only the children could have then mustered up enough strength to give us ladies a push too - now that would have been awesome.

Finally we reached the last stages, coming face to face with the most magnificently massive Shirehorse called Bob, some rude donkeys and a hilarious goat that just wanted to be Jo's best friend!

However despite all the laughs, some tears (my child as usual) and the odd rude word (I can't repeat what Jo said to that goat!) it was all brought to a magnificent end with a fly in my tea.

And then wine.

It always ends with a wine!