Friday, April 04, 2008

First Kindy Trip

On Wednesday Bethany's Kindy did a trip to the library, I decided to go along as a parent helper, really just so I could keep an eye on my girl, and feel like I was doing my part!

Bethany has made a best friend and she is called Ruby, they are completely inseparable and are honestly attached at the hip. If they are not together they are talking about each other, it's so cute!

The bus arrived and we all piled on, Bethany and Ruby were so excited. This was Bethany's first NZ bus trip and babbled all the way!!

At the library the children were treated to stories, singing and playing musical instruments. At one point another mother looked at me and said 'I think you need a coffee' - I think she could see the pain I was in...I mean - who volunteers themselves to do this stuff??!

After the library we all piled back on the bus and we went to Maidstone Max -which is an awesome adventure park and let the children blow off some steam. They had the most amazing time with all the parent helpers chasing the kids round!

I actually really enjoyed the morning, being able to stand back and watch Bethany in her environment was interesting, she is such a tender loving little girl. The friendship she has made with Ruby is beautiful, she genuinely cares for the others around her and although she has only been at this Kindy for a few weeks she has fitted in so amazingly. We have one gorgeous little girl.