I know that sounds funny coming from an English person - glad to see the rain, but its been hot and my pasty white body cant deal with it!
Everyone told me when we were moving to expect the Hutt to have warmer summers and colder winters - well jumping from a high of 25 degrees at our previous home to 35 degrees at our new one is a bit much! This was the temperature today at 11am!

New Zealand was issued with a weather warning yesterday as the threat of Tropical Cyclone Funa was heading our way. So far we have only had a light rain tonight - but heck it was needed, and the temperature has now dropped to a more manageable 26.
We have had a magical time with it though, Bethany had just got out of the bath and was so excited to see the rain, she dashed outside butt naked and danced, sang and had the funniest time enjoying the raindrops in her birthday suit!
Of course I headed out with my little camera and took a few shots of the first rain we have had in our new house. Little drops of beauty sitting on the grateful foliage in our garden.

Wait till winter comes round, that may be a whole different story completely!